August 2, 1996: Man is the Bastard, The VSS, Men's Recovery Project, The Thrones, Jenny Piccolo at the Huntington Beach Library.
Back in the late 90's/early 00's, Gray Kiser (Line Drive, Regicide, Hands of an Angry God, Black Venus, Sonn Av Krusher) lived out in San Diego and went to a bunch of great shows, mostly at the Che Cafe which was kind of like the UCSD equivalent to Under the Couch. This is the second part of his flyer collection, focusing on shows that were going on out on the left coast while we were doing our thing over here. The last installment of his flyer collection will focus on some classic North Carolina shows, so stay tuned.
June 27, 1996: Rye Coalition, Thumbnail, The Republic of Freedom Fighters, The Button Men at the Huntington Beach Library. This was a great place to see a show. The hal al Shedad played there with Long Hind Legs and the Thrones once.
June 27, 1996: Sparkmarker, Kill Holiday, Action League, Will Haven at the Impala Cafe, Los Angeles.
June 28, 1996: Eleven Thirty-Four, Spawn, Kill Holiday, The Suppression Swing, Stick Figure Carousel at the Showcase Theatre in Corona.
June 29, 1996: Eleven Thirty-Four, Blackspot, Spawn, Collateral Damage, Triceratops at the Huntington Beach Library.
August 9-11, 1996: Final Conflict, The Red Aunts, FYP, Hickey, All You Can Eat, etc. at the Showcase Theatre in Redondo Beach.
September 6, 1996: Gauze, Spazz, Assfort, Dead and Gone, El Dopa at 924 Gilman in Berkeley.
February 14, 1997: Refused, The Locust, Frodus, The Truth Movement, The Dusters at the Che Cafe. That is a classic lineup.
November 28, 1998: Unbroken, Outspoken, The Crimson Curse, The Setup, Palpatine at the Masterdome in San Bernadino.
December 3, 1999: Cattle Decapitation, Volume 11, A Possible Link to Klaus, Colostomy Bag, The Adding Machine at the Che Cafe.
December 6, 1999: Severed Head of State, Run For Your Fucking Life, Ex-Fork, and some band I can't read at the Che Cafe.
January 16, 2000: Cave In, Secret Fun Club, Durga at the Che Cafe.
January 21, 2000: The Locust, The Straight A's, Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, The Free Stars at the Che Cafe. I never saw this documentary about US Latino/Chicano hardcore, but then again, I can't name any US Latino/Chicano hardcore bands other than Los Crudos.
Upcoming shows in January 2000 at the Che Cafe. These overviews from way back when are always cool to check out.
February 10, 2000: Bongzilla, Cattle Decapitation, God Stomper, Molehill, Slow Death (plus one more fucking band) at the Che Cafe.
February 14, 2000: The Locust, Murder City Devils, Anasazi, Catheders (Catheters?) at the Che Cafe. A lot of these shows were on Mondays and Tuesdays, quite different from the weekend life we lead today.
February 23, 2000: Two Dollar Guitar, The Get Hustle, The Straight A's at the Che Cafe.
February 29, 2000: Dillinger Escape Plan, Upsilon Acrux, Drowningman, Time In Malta at the Che Cafe. Never heard of Upsilon Acrux, but I like the name.
March 12, 2000: Special Goodness, The And/Ors, Six Foot Sloth, Moon and Sixpence at the Che Cafe. Remember when bills were this long? And when shows started at 8PM?
March 17, 2000: Built to Last, Palpatine, Run For Your Fucking Life, American Tragedy, Frontline at the Empire Club.
March 26, 2000: Botch, Harkonnen, Palpatine, Durga at the Che Cafe. I guess we were a little bit obsessed about science fiction back then.
April 10, 2000: Good Clean Fun, Taken, Built to Last, No Reply at the Che Cafe. Finally GCF makes an appearance! Another Monday night show, but I'm sure it was good.
May 2000 at the Che Cafe, including The Black Heart Procession, Pinback, Black Dice, !!!, and many others.
Oh my God! I went to a few of these shows! I used to stay in Dana Point at an ex's house. Infact she used to help do the Huntington Beach library shows. Che was amazing. I used to go a lot of shows at Koo's Cafe in Santa Ana. Oh and shows at the PCH club in Wilmington, Long Beach. These were the best shows I went to - everyone was real friendly.
ReplyDeleteThe Refused show in San Diego was a real treat. That was the one where I showed up, sat threw the Capital City Dusters (who were pretty good), The Truth Movement (who I could not identify in a police line-up), Frodus (who were killing at this point in their career), and The Locust (who I'd by that point seen at every single local show ever booked), before someone clued me in to the fact that Refused were not playing.
ReplyDeleteIt was akin to Tina telling Pee Wee, "there's no basement in the Alamo". It was a "what the fuck" moment. Like, why the fuck did you not mention this when you took my money at the door? Why did no band on that stage make one peep about the headliners not showing up?
Turns out Refused had played their last show in....wait for it...Atlanta, Georgia a few nights earlier.
Thanks a lot Atlanta, you suck.
Awesome to stumble on this. I found a thread on a message board where I posted flyers from shows at Koo's, PCH, The Smell, Che Cafe from the early 2000s. Unfortunately I was a bit too young to attend anything before 99 or so. I wish I could have gone to a lot of these.
ReplyDeleteMakes me pine for the days when I volunteered at Koo's (Santa Ana and Long Beach) and went to the Smell & Che regularly. I wish i went to PCH and H.B. Library...
I was at that Botch/Durga show. There was a police brutality protest in SD that day, and I just asked a pretty girl if she would go out with me, so i was having one of the best days of my life. we'll be married 6 years this january...