Here is the download: Moreland Audio - Turbogold Album
Since the Purkinje Shift has been up and at 'em as of late, playing regular shows and writing new music with the addition of master drummer Lee Corum (Chapterhall, TSDOSD, Mock Heroic, Some Soviet Station, Copa Vance, Home of the Wildcats, Lay Down Mains, Gold Standard, etc.), so I thought the time was ripe to upload the Turbogold album by Moreland Audio. You can check out my previous Purkinje Shift post here, as they have been creating quite a legacy for themselves, soon to be assuming their status as the "Drivin' n' Cryin' of math-rock".
Gary Flom and Ben Davis love to play music together. I'm not sure exactly how they became musical BFF's, but starting with The Purkinje Shift, moving into Moreland Audio, then Home of the Wildcats, then a gap while Gary played in The Forever War, but then together again with Ben Lukens in Lumens, and now reunited as PKS. But back in the year 2000, things were not so certain. I'm not sure of the exact chain of events, but Scott Robbins moved on in his life/career/geographic location and left the Gary/Ben team without a drummer. Enter Adam Overton, a guy from Ben Davis' real musicians' network (and not one of us punkers), bringing a more subtled feel compared to the stark metronomic beats provided by Scott. Additionally, Ben and Gary mixed it up by adding some baritone and lapsteel guitar work, respectively, and really stretched it out on this record. Overall, it is a more abstract and discordant band, but also more rocking and visceral. Of course they were still a fully-instrumental endeavor, as it was meant to be from ever since. They did it for 2-3 years, and then wrapped it up in2003, releasing only this album and a song on the String Theory compilation.
Here is the rest of the artwork:

Looking forward to hearing this one, they were a band during my "wander years" so I never saw or even heard them.
ReplyDeleteThe record label 54 40 Or Fight! has put out some sweet records by Sicbay and The Life And Times...nice stuff.
Dude I love this record, leagues above what you would expect from an indie math outfit.