Here are the downloads:
These are all soundboard recordings transferred from cassette by Steve Wishart (Such As, Car vs. Driver, Scout, Fields Lay Fallow, To The Mean). Some of these are pretty rough, in both sound quality and performance, but we didn't have the greatest in recording technologies at our disposal, or musical ability for that matter. People seem to like our Live at WREK shows as the best representation of the live Car vs. Driver sound, but I'm posting everything for completeness' sake. For your information, I'm not sure what the lineup of the Fall 1993 show was, but the 11/7/93 show was with Freemasonry and Bite, the 12/12/93 show was with Spiney Norman and Drive Pipe, the 9/24/94 show was with Act of Faith and Levelhead, and the 12/30/94 show was with Scout, Inkwell and Lowboy.
By the way, Steve is moving to Guatemala in a few weeks with the AFLCIO, and plans on being there for several years, so I would like to wish him all the best on his new life in Central America.
The 12/30/94 show was the Deja Grateful LP release show if I'm not mistaken.