Here is the album for download: Cabron! Mexican Shoe Thief
Chocolate Kiss played our last show on July 4, 2002, and Bob moved soon afterwards to San Diego in time to start teaching for the upcoming 2002-2003 school year. He is an elementary school art teacher, which is only one of the thousands of professions he has had over the years, and something I know he really enjoys. I got a message from him recently that due to budget cuts he will most likely be layed off from the educational workforce out there, so I hope the best for him and Ana. For the 4-5 years that Chocolate Kiss was together, I think he liked playing our indie rock stuff, but if he could join an old-school punk/hardcore band, he would have been in old-man heaven. Well, when he moved out west, he immediately started playing with various bands and settled into this group of guys here and started Cabron!, which is probably the band he always dreamed of playing guitar for. They seem to be doing very well for themselves out there, playing regularly in SoCal and Mexico, but no plans to come East anytime soon. Bob tells me that they play in Tijuana a lot, and it's like going to a show in the US 20 years ago. Kids in Black Flag shirts, stolen power for the amps and PA being run from one extension cord down the street, completely random bands playing together, good times. They are recording some new music right about now, but here is their original release as well as liner notes, etc. for your enjoyment.
They also have a myspace page (of course). Here it is - CabronSD. You can demand that they come to Atlanta and play - I placed my vote.

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